Hello there. Sorry for taking a week off. I was busy with something else last week, and I hope I can share more about it with you soon.
A month ago you may have read Bucking the US College System, where our son Jack chose to study Computer Science in Taiwan. The cliffhanger in that article was whether Jack will get the full 4 year tuition scholarship with a $500 monthly stipend.
When I researched studying in Taiwan, I really thought the scholarship odds were with him. I thought almost anyone who applied will get it. The Taiwanese people are known for helping others, and Taiwan’s Ministry of Education granting scholarships to as many students as possible would fit the country’s culture to a T.
After initially being on the wait list, we received email that Jack has been accepted for the full scholarship offer! Wow, it actually happened!
Of course, I shared the news with lots of family and friends. A friend joked that it was “unfair” with a 😋 emoji. While that may be true, life isn’t about being fair. The more opportunities you have, the luckier you get.